Industry News

Sometimes we write, sometimes we browse. Here's a list of Industry news and updates we found useful
Job Post: Project Administration and Communications Assistant – Jamii For Good, Jamii Media

About Jamii for Good Jamii for Good is the non profit arm of Jamii Media. It supports positive social transformation, leveraging media and technology to create a sustainable and equitable world. Through innovative projects and collaborative initiatives, we empower communities, promote inclusivity, and drive positive change. Our mission is to contribute to livelihood improvement, effective...

Tanzania’s Digitalisation Journey: Opportunities for value creation

As the digital landscape continues to evolve at a rapid pace, making the right decisions for sustainable development and growth has never been more critical. That’s why partnering with a trusted expert in digital and technology research and consultation, like Jamii Media, is key to unlocking the full potential of digital transformation for developmental organizations....

How Twitter was used in Tanzania Law Society 2021 Election

  On April 15-16 this year, TLS held an Annual General Meeting and General Conference in Arusha conducted general elections. In that election, Dr. Edward Hosea was elected TLS President on April 17, 2021, for the 2021/2022 year.   As part of our ongoing media research in Tanzania, Jamii Media analyzed how Twitter was used...